Agenda & Meetings

OUC's Board Meeting Schedule & Agenda

Meetings of the Orlando Utilities Commission are normally held on the second Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m. in the Commission Chambers on the seventh floor of Reliable Plaza at 100 W. Anderson Street in downtown Orlando.

The Commission Agenda is published prior to each regularly scheduled Commission Meeting. Please note that agendas published here are draft versions and may change as needed before the actual Commission Meeting.


The July 9, 2024, Budget Workshop & Commission Meeting will be held in person in the 7th Floor Commission Room of Reliable Plaza, 100 W. Anderson Street, Orlando, Florida, 32801, beginning at 2 p.m.

The public may observe the meeting and provide comments in-person at the 7th Floor Commission Chambers of Reliable Plaza. If you wish to speak at the meeting, please fill out the speaker request form at: The Commission is pleased to hear relevant, non-repetitive comments; however, there is a 3-minute time limit for speakers. Large groups are asked to name a spokesperson to speak on the group’s behalf. Robert’s Rule of Order governs the conduct of the meeting. Due to limited seating capacity, additional seating will be available in conference room 147 located on the 1st Floor of Reliable Plaza.

Public comments may be submitted in advance of the meeting to no later than 1 p.m. on July 9, 2024. Please limit comments to 500 words.

Members of the public that would like to view the meeting virtually can access the meeting via YouTube Livestream by clicking here at 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 9, 2024.

Please silence any electronic devices while in the Commission Room.

THANK YOU for participating in the Commission Meeting.

July 9, 2024, Budget Workshop & Commission Meeting Notice

At this time, our team continues to review community feedback on OUC’s proposed PeakSHIFT program, and the timeline to present a proposal to our Board of Commissioners remains extended. Therefore, no program recommendations will be made at the July 9, 2024, Budget Workshop or Commission Meeting. For more information on PeakSHIFT, visit

2024 Commission Meetings
January 23
February - No meeting
March 5
April 9
May 14
June - No meeting
July 9
August 13
September 10
October - No meeting
November 5
December 10

Meeting dates are subject to change.

Agenda Archives
2024: Jan | Mar | Apr | May
2023: Jan | Mar | Apr | May | July | Aug | Sep | Nov | Dec
2022: Jan | Mar | Apr | May | July | Aug | SepNovDec
2021: Jan | Mar | Apr| May | June | July | Aug | Oct | NovDec
2020: Jan | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Oct | Nov | Dec
2019: Jan | Mar | AprMay | June | July | Aug | Oct | Nov | Dec
2018: Jan | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Oct | Nov | Dec
2017: Jan | March | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Oct | Nov | Dec
2016: Jan | March | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Oct | Nov Dec
2015: Jan | March | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Oct | Nov | Dec
2014: Jan | March | Apr | May | July | Aug | Oct | Nov | Dec
2013: Jan | March | Apr | May | JulyAug  | Oct  | Nov | Dec
2012: JanMarchAprMayJuneJulyAugOctNov | Dec
Jan | March |  Apr | May | June |  July |  Aug | Oct |  Nov | Dec
2010: Jan | Jan 27 |  Mar |  Apr |  May |  June |  July |  Aug |  Oct |  Nov | Dec
2009: Jan |  March |  Apr | May |  June | July |  Aug | Oct | Dec
2008: Feb | April |  May | June |  July | Aug |  Oct | Nov | Dec

Minutes Archives
2024: Jan | Mar | Apr | May | May Pricing Workshop 
2023: Jan | Mar | Apr | May | Jul | Aug | Sep
2022: Jan | Mar | Apr | Apr Workshop | May | Jul | Aug | Sep | Sep Pricing Workshop | Nov | Dec
2021: Jan 19 Commissioner Meeting | Jan | Jan Workshop | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | July Budget | Aug | Oct | Nov | Nov Workshop | Dec
2020: Jan | Feb Strategy Workshop | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Aug Budget | Oct | Nov | Nov Workshop | Dec
2019: Jan | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | July Workshop | Aug | Oct | Nov
2018: Jan | March | April | May | June | June Workshop | July | July Budget | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec | Dec - Commissioner Meeting
2017: Jan | March | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Oct | NovDec
2017 Special Meeting Minutes: Jul 20Oct 25Nov 20 | Nov 21
2016: Jan | March | Apr | May | June | July | July Budget | Aug | Oct | Nov | Dec
Jan | March | Apr | May | June | July | July Budget | Aug | Aug Sustainability Workshop | Oct | Dec
2014: Jan | March | Apr | June Workshop | July | July Budget | Aug | Oct | Nov | Dec
2013: Jan | March | Apr | May | JulyJuly BudgetJuly Special Meeting | Aug | Oct | Nov | Dec 10 | Dec 17
2012: Jan | MarchApr | MayJuneJulyAugOctNov | Dec
2011: JanMarch | AprMay | June | July | Aug | Sept | OctNov | Dec
2010: Jan | March | Apr | May | June |July | Aug | Oct | Nov
2009: Jan | March | Apr | May | June | Jul | Aug | Oct | Dec
2008 : FebApr | June | Aug | Oct | Nov


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