Important Message: OUC operations have returned to normal. myOUC is available for making payments, reporting outages and all other self-service options. Disconnects will resume for both traditional and OUC Power Pass customers on Wednesday, October 16th. If you are without service, click here.

 Mensaje Importante: Las operaciones de OUC han vuelto a la normalidad. myOUC está disponible para realizar pagos, informar cortes de energía y todas las demás opciones de autoservicio. Las desconexiones se reanudarán para los clientes tradicionales y de OUC Power Pass el miércoles 16 de octubre. Si no tiene servicio, haga clic aquí.
Reliable Plaza

Business Hours & Locations

Downtown Orlando – Reliable Plaza

100 W. Anderson St., Orlando, Florida 32801
Hours of Operation: Mon. - Fri.: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Commercial Services: Mon. - Fri.: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Sat. and Sun.: Closed
Closed on major holidays
Payments not accepted at this location.

To view a list of payment locations, please click here. or visit the Pay My Bill page for a variety of online options to make a payment.