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Vacant Property Letter of Availability Request

Vacant Property Letter of Availability Request

OUC Development Services can help you determine whether or not OUC will be able to provide utility service to a vacant property. Simply complete the form below, including the location of the property, to obtain a letter stating whether OUC will be able to provide service. Be sure to give us as much information as possible about the location such as physical address, nearest street intersection, parcel ID number, two addresses the property falls between, etc.

Development Services will determine whether or not the location is within our service area, notify you as soon as possible, and send you information on how to request requirements and costs of OUC services to that location.

Your Information

Please enter phone number without dashes (5555555555).
Please enter phone number without dashes (5555555555).

For More Information
Contact OUC Development Services

Phone: 407-236-9651
Fax: 407-423-9129

P.O. Box 3193
Orlando, FL 32802

100 W. Anderson St.
Orlando, FL 32801