Community Solar Farm Calculator

Please select your service address location:

Step Two: Dwelling Type

What type of dwelling is the property?

Step Three: Energy Usage

How much energy (kilowatt hour) on average do you use monthly?


Last Step: Monthly Percentage

What percentage of your monthly usage would you like to be powered by solar energy?


Show me my estimate

$ 0
Monthly Premium*
$ 0
Average Monthly Cost*
$ 0
Average Annual Cost*

Average Residential Customers consume 800kWh - 2,000kWh per month. Average Small Commercial Customers consume 1,000kWh - 6,000kWh. Check your energy bill to see your usage.

* This estimated cost to participate is based on rates effective July 1, 2016 (rates subject to change). Demand commercial customers are based on 50% load factor. Taxes not included.