Usage Dashboard

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Are there instructional guides or videos available for using the Usage Dashboard?
Yes, a step-by-step instructional guide is available at  Additionally, an instructional video is available explaining how to use the tool.

Do I need to sign up to view my usage dashboard?
No, simply click the “View Usage” link on your myOUC Online Profile to access the Usage Dashboard. Make sure that you have pop-ups enabled as the dashboard will open in a new window.

I do not see a "View Usage" button on myOUC Online Profile. Why?
To view the usage dashboard, you must be an OUC residential electric customer, although we are currently working on a solution to add the usage dashboard for water-only customers as well. Additionally, it is unavailable to certain customers subscribed to certain programs such as Solar PV, Community Solar Farm, Chilled Water and Account Consolidation. You also will not be able view your usage if you have a pending service change, such as start or stop.

When I click on the "View Usage" button, nothing happens. Why?
You may have pop-up blockers enabled. The usage dashboard leverages pop-up windows to show different sections of the website. You will need to allow pop-ups for "javascript:reDirectTo('OUCHOST','/')", and on your browser. Enabling pop-ups varies depending on which browser you are using.

When I click the link, I only see daily activity. How can I view hourly activity?
From your dashboard, click on "History" and then "Usage History." In the Time Period section, click View Hourly Electric Usage. You’ll be presented with a chart representing the most recent full days’ worth of hourly data. Under Hourly Usage will be listed hourly data for the past week. To view the previous week, click "Next Week". To return to the current week, click "Previous Week."

What is the benefit of seeing daily and hourly activity?
Understanding when you use electricity and water will help you make more informed decisions about how to conserve and save money. If you see spikes at particular times or days, consider investigating the devices being used during those times. If your usage is consistent throughout the day, consider devices that run all day long, such as air conditioning, especially if no one is home during those times.

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What are the red and blue lines/dots on the usage charts?
The red line represents the high temperature for the day and the blue line represents the low temperature for the day. Simply click on the dots to see the actual high/low temperature for that day. Please note that the blue lines are only shown on the daily charts, not the hourly charts.

What do the green bars on the usage charts represent?
The green bars represent the kilowatt-hour (kWh) used per day. When you roll over the green bar, the number will be displayed.

Why do I have one day or several days with no usage and then so much the next day?
When the electronic reading for a meter does not communicate with our system for any reason (i.e. obstruction of the meter), that day’s usage is added to the next successful reading obtained.

Why are there sometimes large fluctuations in my day-to-day energy usage when nothing changes in my house?
The weather has the biggest impact on your usage because heating and cooling uses the most electricity. Even if your thermostat is set at the same temperature, your heating or cooling system will have to work longer to reach that temperature when the weather gets colder or hotter (You can see high and low temperatures when you roll-over the red and blue lines on your usage dashboard). However, fluctuations in your consumption may also be caused by other factors, such as the number of people in your home at any given time. For example, if you have guests or keep the heat/air on because you have pets, usage increases. Also, if you are home only in the evening one day but then spend an entire day at home the next, your usage will go up, especially if you are running appliances like your washing machine and dryer while home.

What are estimated readings and how will that impact my usage dashboard?
In order to properly populate your usage dashboard, your meter sends many readings throughout the day. It is possible that some of those readings are not properly translated, necessitating our system to estimate the read and help fill the gaps. Actual usage is determined once we have a valid reading. On your usage dashboard, you can identify any estimated readings by clicking "History" and reviewing the Readings and Type columns in the Usage History chart. Readings are marked either "Valid," meaning an actual read, or "Estimate."

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My daily usage shows the same reading all day. Is this reading estimated?
If the Reading Type is listed as Valid, then the reading is not estimated. If your account received a daily read but did not compile enough hourly reads, the system will take your daily usage and spread this over the day, making your chart appear to display the same consumption each hour.

Can I see my usage for other services like water and sewer?
Yes, so long as OUC is your provider for those services. On your myOUC Online Profile, click on "History." In the "Service" drop down menu switch the view from electric to water or sewer and click "Load." The page will repopulate with the chosen information. If you select sewer, you will see the same readings and usage as the water meter unless you have additional water services such as Irrigation or Reclaimed Water.

How far back will the usage history be displayed?
The display begins with your service activation date. The default display is up to the last 30 days, but you can enter a specific time period if desired. You may be able to see up to the last five years of data so long as there was a digital meter installed at your address and data was being gathered.

What types of alerts can I sign-up for?
You can receive two types of email alerts: "High Usage" and “Daily Usage." "High Usage" will be sent when your usage reaches a threshold of your choice per day. “Daily Usage” will send the current usage each day.

How do I set-up alerts?
Click the "View Usage" Button and from the Dashboard, click on “Settings” and "Manage Alerts." Before adding an alert, be sure that you add your email address to your account by clicking "Change Settings". You may add up to six email addresses before pressing "Change." Then, click "Add Alert", select the appropriate options for the alert that you desire and click "Add." If you would like to then change the time you receive an alert, click "Edit" next to the applicable alert, change your time and click “Update."

Can the alerts be shared with others who live in my home?
Yes, you can add up to 5 additional email addresses to the alert settings.

How can I cancel or change my alerts?
Click the "View Usage" Button and from the Dashboard, click on "Settings" and "Manage Alerts." Follow the instructions on the page to edit the alerts.

Can I sign-up for alerts for other services like water and sewer?
Not at this time. Alerts via email may be provided for other services, like water, in the near future.

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