Power Restoration

Power Restoration

How Does OUC Restore Power?

To restore service in an orderly and safe fashion, OUC:
Evaluates damage to the electric system immediately following a storm
Begins restoring power to critical areas (hospitals, police, and fire stations, etc.)
Makes repairs to restore power to the most customers in the quickest way possible
Repairs damage that often affects only a few customers at each location

Report an Outage to OUC

After the storm has passed, be sure to let OUC know about your outage:

Call OUC at 407-423-9018 to report an outage and to get Estimated Restoration Times for your area.

Be sure OUC has your correct phone number in its system so that you can eliminate wait times and use the automated phone system.

Why Does My Neighbor Have Power and I Don't?

After a storm, there are several reasons you might not have power while your neighbor does:
  • You may be on a different feeder line or transformer. (See Power Generation)

  • The service line to your home may be damaged.

  • Your main breaker might be off.

  • You may need to repair your home before you can be connected.

Check for Damage to Your Home

After a storm, check the weatherhead connection on your home for damage.

The weatherhead is where the electric lines meet the electric meter at the side of your home. The customer is responsible for devices like the weatherhead for overhead services, the buried conduit for underground services, and the meter base.

You may need to call a licensed electrician to make repairs to these devices before OUC can restore power. OUC is responsible only for repairing the service line and electric meter.

For help finding a licensed electrician, visit OUC's Preferred Contractor Network.