Supplier FAQs

Solicitations FAQs

  1. Where can I find the list of Current Solicitations?
    Click to login (VendorLink) to find all current solicitations.

  2. What types of opportunities are offered by the Orlando Utilities Commission?
    • Invitation to Bid (ITB)
    • Invitation to Negotiate (ITN)
    • Request for Proposal (RFP)
    • Statement of Qualifications (SOQ)
    • Request for Quotation (RFQ)
    • Single Source

  3. What do I have do to start doing business with The Orlando Utilities Commission?
    • If you desire to do business with OUC, you must register with us as a supplier. The Supplier registration process is now automated and available. Click here to register.
    • Complete the company profile information and then select the commodity code for the goods or services that you provide.
    • After you have completed the supplier registration process, you will be placed on the bidder’s list for the commodity area(s) you select. Submission of supplier registration does not guarantee receipt or notification of bids, proposals or advertisements/notices from OUC.
    • It is recommended that you update your supplier profile information annually to maintain the status as a current supplier.

  4. Who do I contact if I want to be on your Supplier list to receive notifications about new solicitations? You may log in to VendorLink for new solicitations and procurement opportunities.

  5. How do I get a copy of my Purchase Order (PO) for billing?
    Please make your request using the following email address: Purchasing@ouc.com

  6. What are the payment terms of the Commission? The terms of payment by OUC on POs must be no less than NET-30 Days

Supplier Diversity FAQs

  1. What is Supplier Diversity?
    OUC defines Supplier Diversity as a business program that encourages the use of minority and women owned businesses for the purchase of goods and/or services. Supplier Diversity establishes an essential business strategy to identify and work with minority and women owned businesses. OUC has a Supplier Diversity program which includes minorities and women business enterprises regardless of whether or not they are certified.

  2. What does OUC consider a diverse company? 
    OUC considers a company diverse if they are classified as a minority or woman owned company. Minorities include Asian, American Indian, Black, and Hispanic owned companies.

    Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) - is defined as a business firm whose principal place of business is at least 51 percent (51%) owned by minority group members, or in the case of a publicly owned business, at least 51 percent (51%) of the stock of which is owned by minority group members. The minority ownership must exercise actual day-to-day management and control of the business. T

    Women Business Enterprise (WBE) - is defined as a business firm whose principal place of business is at least 51 percent (51%) owned by women, or in the case of a publicly owned business, at least 51 percent (51%) of   the stock of which is owned by women. The women ownership must exercise actual day-to-day management and control of the business.

  3. How do I indicate that I am a diverse company? 
    You may indicate your company’s diversity status and classification during the vendor registration process in VendorLink.

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